Self-Directed Care

YOU know best which services and support you need at home. That’s why you may want to enroll in Self-Directed Care for Buckeye Health Plan MyCare Ohio (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) Waiver members. This program
puts YOU in control of your care.
Through Self-Directed Care, eligible MyCare Ohio members receive extra benefits and services, including:
- Personal activities like eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, grooming, etc.
- Planning and preparing meals
- General household assistance like laundry, vacuuming, housecleaning, etc.
- Money management and correspondence

Already enrolled in Self-Directed Care? Take Advantage of these helpful resources to make the most of your benefits.
Visit the Self-Directed Care handbook for information about:
- Self-Directed Care requirements
- Different roles and responsibilities to manage your care
- Identifying your service needs
- Scheduling and budgeting
- Finding, training, directing, monitoring and dismissing providers
- Employer skills
- Contingency plans
- And more

Upon enrollment, your Buckeye Care Manager will walk you through the program processes. This includes:
- Providing an overview of the program including
- Your role and the role of a representative if you choose one to make decisions on your behalf
- Covered services
- Responsibilities of being an employer
- Hiring guidelines and restrictions
- Budget considerations
- Backup plans and program supports
- Deciding if Self-Directed Care is right for you
- Developing a plan
- Sharing support available to you from our contracted Financial Management Services Vendor Public Partnership
- Returning to traditional services if you wish to discontinue Self-Directed Care at any time
- Risks and benefits of Self-Directed Care

First time hiring help?
When hiring your support team and services, keep these questions in mind:
- What do I need help with?
- How many hours will my care take?
- When do I need the service provider to work?
- Have I considered the pros and cons of hiring a friend or family member?
- What skills am I looking for?
- What personal qualities or habits (timeliness, neatness, ability to communicate well, etc.) am I looking to find or to avoid?
- What are my priorities and how flexible can I be if I do not find exactly what I want?
Talk to a member of your Care Management Team for more tips and resources to support your Self-Directed Care journey. For more information, call 1-866-549-8289 (TTY: 711). Hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day.
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